Pre-order Web Browser Engineering
We just got word from our publisher that you can now pre-order Web Browser Engineering from the Oxford University Press website.
If you pre-order, you’ll likely get your copy before the end of the year, perhaps as a present for your wintertime holiday of choice. The book comes in hardback and paperback, beautifully typeset with a lovely cover:
Besides the general theme of connecting the world through software, the cover has some easter egg references to the web’s history and major players, from centering the globe on CERN to using Fira Sans for the title.
To celebrate our progress toward publication, we’ve also pushed several updates to the website which fix a number of bugs in the text. The most important is probably a fix to iframe scrolling in Chapter 15, where we were failing to trigger a redraw when an iframe scrolled. We’ve also fixed all of the JavaScript widgets on the site (especially in Safari). The text of the book is also much more consistent in terms of terminology and typography, largely thanks to the work of our amazing copyeditor Richard Hutchinson.
Anyway, if you’d like to purchase a copy, please do pre-order, which helps promote the book. You can do so from OUP’s website, or through the numerous links on the book’s website.